Safety - Workplace

Health & Safety Representative (HSR) Basic Training (E-HSR-E)

This small business eLearning training program provides information on the powers, functions, and duties of the workplace health and safety representative. A Health and Safety Representative (HSR) is required in most Ontario workplaces employing 6-19 workers. The role of the HSR is to support health and safety in the workplace.

Course Access:
You will have access to complete this course for 30 days.
Please note: If the course is not completed within 30 days, a new purchase will be required.

Course Description:
The topics covered in this course include;
Occupational health and safety law;
Rights, duties and responsibilities of the workplace parties;
Duties and responsibilities of the HSR under the OHSA;
Common workplace hazards;
Hazard recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation (RACE methodology) of hazard controls;
Applying the RACE methodology (recognize, assess, control, and evaluate) to a workplace hazard; and
Health and safety resources available to the workplace parties.

Upon completion, the participant will be able to:
Describe the organization and content of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.
Describe the general duties and responsibilities of workplace parties.
Describe the powers, functions, and duties of a health and safety representative (HSR) under the Act.
Identify common workplace health and safety hazards.
Describe the legal requirements of workplace inspections.
Identify the principles for conducting effective workplace inspections.
Identify the legal requirements for investigating accidents by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD).
Describe the steps for conducting an effective accident investigation.

Course Material: Ontario Specific.

Certificate of Completion: Upon the successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available for download and printing.

Voiceover: Yes.

7-8 hrs | SCORM |
  • Important Notes
  • HSR Training - English
  • Final Test
  • Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "Final Test"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever